Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Here we are!

We have arrived in Kijabe! It is beautiful here, surreal. This is the Africa that you dream about, your idyllistic vision of what you hope it will be.

Our flights here were smooth and stuffy in our foggy state, drifting in and out of sleep, and getting fed every half hour. The fam was there waiting for us in Nairobi and it felt so good to see them after so many months. John was towering over the crowd looking so old and handsome, and Erika looked so exotic with her beads and hair twists. Apparently Africa has been good on the parents because they look better than ever. Luckily, they had realized just in time that our arrival date was in fact Saturday, not Sunday as they had thought. Although it would have been a fun adventure finding our way from the airport alone...

We have had three nights here now and are doing well adjusting to the time change, slowly but surely switching ourselves around. I had some nighttime wanderings two nights ago, but slept hard last night. Myles woke up last night "starving" and had a little feast by himself around 3 am. We have done some good exploring already; walking down to the fig tree where the baboons put on quite the show, running and hiking the trails, trying the chapatis and chai at the "dukas," fresh smoothies and banana bread in the mornings... John and Myles have done some piki riding to Maai Mahiu, a small trucking town below Kijabe, across the tarmac to prepare for our bigger rides ahead.

We apparently arrived at the perfect time, it is like a second spring here. The rains have come, making everything green, and the animals are out in full force to greet us. So far though, the rain waits for the night, leaving the days sunny and hot with just the right amount of breeze. There are monkeys in the trees and birds swinging from their nests. Feeling thankful to have these few days to adjust and prepare for our climb, we leave tomorrow! Until next time... Ali.

1 comment:

  1. AmAzing! I can't get enough of African adventures. I will be a faithful reader. Love it!
